Like the passenger pigeon it seems that truth has
vanished forever from our political discourse.
Not that long ago when Trump was President of the
United States and still tweeting he posted a tweet where, in one sentence, he
made 4 false claims. (A tweet is about two short sentences.)
This came as no surprise to those paying attention
to the state of today’s politics.
In Ontario the Premier, of his self-styled Government for The People makes promises like:
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The People's Premier? |
In Ontario the Premier, of his self-styled Government for The People makes promises like:
No one will lose their job, absolutely no
I’ll lower hydro rates by 12 per cent.
We won’t touch the Greenbelt. of Ontario
It is not enough that the promises are unfulfilled
but that such statements are repeated so often that they become assumed
I’ll lower hydro rates by 12 per cent.
We won’t touch the Greenbelt. of Ontario
So what about truth?
Eric Blair, Spanish Civil War Veteran |
George Orwell had something to say on the matter. The English writer argued that history had, in fact, stopped in Spain in 1936. Orwell had seen that reporting in Spain’s newspapers “did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie.”
Orwell, then a virtually unheard of English writer known as Eric Blair, worried that the “concept of objective truth (was) fading out of the world and lies would pass into history.”
Seniors for Climate Action Now (SCAN!)
For the past couple of years I’ve been
involved with a group called Seniors for Climate Action Now (SCAN!)
SCAN volunteers spent a good deal of time and
energy prior to the June 2nd provincial election documenting Ford’s crimes
against Climate. New crimes against the environment like the More Homes
Built Faster Act are being documented but it is hard to keep up with this
repeat offender. These crimes all seem stem from the kind of thinking that denies objective truth. A case in point is the rationale recently put forward to open up lands in the Greenbelt in order to build so-called affordable housing.
Much has been written and said by experts,
advocates and citizens regarding Bill 23 the More Homes Built Faster Act (2022).
Here is SCAN!’s view
We can`t give up the fight. Here are some resources and links you can
check out.
Resources and Events
*You can find Environmental Defence at
*Changes to maps and Official Plans can be found at and
*Alliance for a Livable Ontario is at
*The Land Between, a grassroots
non-governmental organization, has materials on the consequences of the legislation and what you
can do at
Resources and Events
*The webinar Bill 23 and the Greenbelt – What`s Next? runs about an hour and can be found at
*Stop Sprawl Halton’s website is at