Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Cuts to Ontario Legal Aid Clinics - By the Numbers*


The percentage increase in certificates issued by LAO  from 2013-14 to 2017-18.           (Auditor General’s 2018 Report, p. 259 and 260.)


The percentage increase in active community legal clinic  files from 2012-13 to 2016-17 (Auditor General’s 2018 Report p.260)


LAO’s revenues in 2018-19 (source: Legal Aid Ontario)                                


Amount of LAO funding that comes from the provincial government based on the Auditor General’s 2018 report stating that 75% of 2017-18 funding came from the  province. [Auditor General’s 2018 Report p. 258]


Amount to be cut in current year a 36% reduction based on $371M of provincial funding. (Ontario Budget)


Amount to be cut by 2021-22, a 44% reduction. (Ontario Budget)


Ministry of Attorney General Budget in 2018-19 (Ontario Budget,  p284)


Ministry of Attorney General budget for 2019-20 a 7% reduction. Ontario Budget, p284)


Percentage of Cuts coming from Legal Aid Ontario as a percentage of cuts to the Ministry of the Attorney General - a reduction of $154M this year and $133M of that is coming from cuts to Legal Aid.


Maximum Income to qualify for Legal Aid Services in Ontario for a single person. The corresponding figure for a family of three is $37,194. (Legal Aid Ontario Website)

*Adapted from https://stoplegalaidcuts.nationbuilder.com/ This website was created by  www.itrapidsupport.com for North Peel and Dufferin  Community Legal Services.