(This post originally appeared at www.hamiltonjustice.ca)
Earlier this month Last night City Council in London Ontario gave unanimous support to a report called London for All – A Roadmap to End Poverty.
An eight member panel including former Hamilton Deputy Medical Officer of Health Chris Mackie (pictured to the right) produced the report after six months of consultation. It contains 112 recommendations.

Remarkably, many of these recommendations are intended to be acted upon within twelve months.
Here is a sampling of the recommendations.
Eight Recommendations from the (London Ontario) Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Poverty that Impressed Us
**Increase the number of organizations providing Indigenous Cultural Safety training.
**Become a Basic Income Guarantee pilot site.
**Engage landlords in keeping more people housed.
**Allow children under 12 to ride public transit free.
**Leverage funding and invest in the regeneration of existing London and Middlesex Housing Corporation (LMHC) properties.
**Increase the number of licensed childcare spaces.
**Reduce the wait time to receive childcare subsidy
**Engage people with lived experience in democratic processes and institutions.
You can read the full report at https://www.london.ca/city-hall/mayors-office/Documents/London-for-All-final-report.pdf